Saturday, June 10, 2017


The Right Side: 12/25/2015

This morning's dream occurred in a very small town of about 2,015 people. In this dream, the town was divided in half, and brother was against brother, father against son, daughter against mother. I was on the side of right. Now, I was in this parking lot trying to beseech my Uncle not to turn his back on what was right, and to do the brave thing. He would have no part of it! 

He began to get into his overly-high pick up truck and drive off with his wife. Then he began to speak. "They throw manure into our vehicles, and (some other toxic waste,) and we just take it!" he declared. I explained to him that even though it's difficult, it's better to stay on the side of good and of what's right. He started to drive off. My heart was broken. 

I went to weep at this chain link fence. I was crushed. But, then he stopped his truck in this stampede out of the townspeople getting out of Dodge, and he said that he was going to stay and fight! I was the source of this town's angst, and I was the reason the town was tearing itself in half. After my Uncle did this, others began to turn to what was right, and they decided to fight against this force of evil that had infected the town.

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