Saturday, June 10, 2017


PROPHETIC DREAM OF PINHEAD                            February 5, 2015 10:30am

This morning, I dreamed of Hell. Pinhead, )the star character from the movie Hell Raiser,) was a contorted flesh-like flat floor, and we were all kind of pins incorporated into this flat body of flesh. Like a Clive Barker film, there was a sexual scene–yet the characters were in torment. A man was pleasuring a woman by lovingly licking her love-muffin. They were rocking back and forth repeatedly. We were all incapacitated, and someone started to sing. As this person began to sing, others joined him. Soon, we were able to break free from Pinhead’s body (that was Hell.) We ran to the middle of this strange body into this orange light. In this light. We were safe. We huddled together waiting to see what would happen. Then, we escaped! 

Next, we were in in a beautiful countryside. There were green hills with dirt roads. It was more of a secluded desert than a valley. There were men riding motorcycles. I did not know how to ride, but I noticed one of the bikes was a chopper, and I wanted a bike like that! All of the other bikes were ordinary bikes–all with black seats. 

I was observing this from in the sky, but I wanted to learn to ride. It looked like a lot of fun. So, I then found myself on one of the hills in this green desert watching a family. It was a woman with two young boys about ten years of age. They had two pre-historic deer from about 50,000 years ago (the scientifically estimated time of Adam and Eve.) They were playing by interlocking their antlers and kicking at each other. I was thinking that they were pretty dangerous pets to have for a family like that.

I never made it onto one of the motorcycles; however, I found myself as a meteorologist trying to convince one of the park rangers that he needed to listen to me. I had some very urgent information for him regarding a meteor that was headed to his valley. He began to hand me some brochures about the park. You know, trail locations, tourist sightseeing, points of interest, that sort of thing. I began to walk away, but then he realized what I was saying was important. 

I was explaining to him how this meteor was headed to his valley, and we need to evacuate some people and make preparations for this event that absolutely was going to happen. As I was explaining this to him, the meteor struck! It plowed through the valley skidding to a stop three or four hundred feet away from us after creating a trench at least 100 feet wide. It was also massively on fire. It came to a stop after about 1,000 feet of tearing through the valley floor. 

This was happening, but it was only virtually happening at the same time, so we weren’t in any real danger. I began to explain to him about how the meteor could hit the earth at different trajectories, and what we should do to prepare the valley depending on what angle it struck. As these words were coming out of my mouth, another meteor (physical and virtual) struck the valley floor a little further up. It filled the whole valley with fire. 

He and I got on his motorcycle and as he started it up, the flames coming out of his exhaust pipes jettison out at least thirty feet, and then blended in with the fire that was cleansing the valley. We escaped. I’m not certain what happened to the others in the valley. The main thing is that I was safe.

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