Friday, September 1, 2017


I was a guest in my own home, and I was going between my house and my mom’s house. I was basically homeless. While at my mother’s house, I was doing something to help her around the house.  There was no electricity. There was an outside garden area that the house surrounded like a square in a square. I looked up through the glass roof, and I thought that the light from the Sun was hitting the moon all wrong. Then, I noticed a second Earth in the sky too! I was on Earth? I ran to get mom, so she could witness what I was seeing. Next, a scientist said that we were going to freeze on top of the Earth, but things began to really warm, and we were going to be o.k. Then he said that the interior of the Earth itself was freezing, and the effects would soon reach us surface dwellers. We were fucked. I then saw the inside of the Earth. Suddenly, the entire mantle froze in a few seconds! Large, medium, and small pieces of sand all turned and locked together forming a single frozen mass. This would eventually work its way to the surface to greet us all with a frozen kiss of doom.

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